Pasar Pelipurlara

To provide the best service and a different atmosphere to tourists visiting the Penglipuran tourist village, the management continues to innovate, one of which is by opening the Pelipurlara market, which is located in the middle of a bamboo forest.

After being satisfied exploring the beauty of the Penglipuran tourist village, now tourists can also enjoy a variety of processed traditional Balinese cuisine, which is provided in the Pelipurlara market. various Balinese specialties especially Penglipuran are provided in this market, ranging from drinks, snacks and even Balinese specialties.

And uniquely visitors pay with coins in the form of bamboo pieces with a value of five thousand and ten thousand, which can be exchanged before entering the market. and feel the sensation of enjoying food under the lush bamboo forest.

The operational manager of Penglipuran tourist village, I Ketut Nuriada said, this new breakthrough was made because it saw tourist visits to Penglipuran tourist village continue to increase, so it was necessary to provide a different atmosphere for visitors, where after being satisfied enjoying the natural beauty of Penglipuran village.

“Visitors can also enjoy a variety of drinks and Penglipuran specialties, in addition to this Pelipurlara market, to facilitate local residents who do not have a location to sell, so it is hoped that the whole community can enjoy the cake of tourism,” said Ketut Nuriada, operational manager of Penglipuran tourist village.

In the future, the pelipurlara market will be open every Saturday from 10am to 4pm. And will continue to be developed so that it can attract more tourists to visit.

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